Archive for September, 2009

Latest and Greatest from Duty Free Cosmetics Counter

September 24, 2009

Since I’ve been spending a considerable amount of time at airports lately, I’ve gotten a chance to browse the duty free cosmetics counters from NYC to Hong Kong (and several cities in between). Here are some of my favorite finds:

1)      YSL Bow Collection. I’m generally not a fan of multi usage palettes because it’s nearly impossible to find one where all the colors are usable. This one is definitely much more usable than most in that regard. The eyeshadows are very YSLwearable for evening (important considering the holiday season is fast approaching) and the shiny highlighter is something every woman should have in her makeup bag. However, it’s really the glossy and perfect shade of pink lipstick that I’m absolutely crazy about! I’m really into bright lipsticks for daytime wear lately: just a touch of mascara and a bright glossy lipstick is the easiest makeup recipe for a contemporary chic look. This particular lipstick fits the bill to a T: it’s the perfect bright but not too bright shade of pink (huge color this season) with a touch of glossiness but greater saturation than a standard lip gloss. A bonus: the set comes in a cool black bow clutch reminiscent of a classic YSL design and usable on its own for evening wear.

2)      Nars “Rated R” eyeshadow in green and cobalt blue. I’m particularly keen on the green shade. The color is a fun and unexpected alternative to the usual evening smokey eye look. What makes it work is that the color is just as saturated when applied to your eye as it is in the compact. Also I find that this lime green shade works to enhance just about every eye color and skin tone beautifully.

3)      Shu Uemura Tokyo Lash Bar. Falsies don’t get any more fun than this. Yes this is a product to indulge your more lashesadventurous side, but I’m a firm believer in stepping outside your comfort zone and adding playful elements to your usual fare every so often. I especially love the “mini” lashes from this collection. They are applied from the middle of your lid to the outer corner and come is a nice feathered mix of colors.

4)      BVL Eau de Parfum 2. Moving on to fragrances: for all the “Angel by Thierry Mugler” fans out there, I have good news. This new Bulgari scent is a fresh take on some of the same sweet floral and vanilla undertones.

5)    Allure Homme Sport. Lets hear it for the boys…this light citrusy scent is reminiscent of what a male version of chanel“Light Blue by D&G” should smell like. It’s a really great alternative to fragrances like Cool Water, which I think are grossly overused. Another thing I love about this scent: it doesn’t make me think of a sleazy guy with slicked back hair and a penchant for strong colognes…ugh (ladies I think you know exactly what I’m talking about here).

A Brief Interview with Victoire de Castellane from Dior

September 23, 2009

I came across this interview while flipping through the September issue of Glamour. Victoire is the genius behind Dior jewelry, and my personal design hero. So I had to share these little pearls of wisdom with you guys:

Glamour: Every women should have at least one…

Victoire: Fabulous ring. It’s my favorite piece because it stands out immediately when you shake someone’s hand.

Glamour: I’d feel naked without…

Victoire: My high heels. I like to keep things very feminine.

Glamour: Mixing gold and silver is…

Victoire: Not a problem. Go for it-and add some color too!

Glamour: My good luck charms are…

Victoire: My opal pieces. Opals contain every hue in the entire world, and I love that they aren’t too popular, so I can truly feel like an individual when I wear them.

Glamour: There’s no such thing as…

Victoire: Too much or too little jewelry. It depends on the style of the person

My 2 cents on this one: I agree that jewelry for daytime is not for everyone. I see it as a tool that makes it easy to breathe some life into your wardrobe staples and enable you to express your personal style. For evening, however, some jewelry is non negotiable. You just cannot get the same touch of glamour without it.

Glamour: The coolest accessories statement you can make is…

Victoire: Really really big jewelry.

Jewelry tip from the Glamour Editor: Try rings on different fingers, like your pinkie or thumb.

Confessions of an Economy (Class) Brat

September 17, 2009

So since I’m on the road again (and I happened to have traveled a gazillion miles over the last year and a half alone) I thought this would be an appropriate time to share some of my travel tricks and gadgets that make life easier and more comfortable.

On this trip there’s one particular travel gadget that I was super excited to try out after reading about it in Skymall on another trip a month earlier: Skyrest (you can find it on It’s a huge blowup pillow that you can sit on the drop down tray in front of you and lean on to sleep comfortably. Now I know some of you reading this can easily fall asleep any time and anywhere…I, however, am not a member of this lucky group…I can gorge on tranquilizers (do not try this at home) and still toss and turn uncomfortably unable to catch a wink. The neck pillows that do the trick for many travelers are way too short for my long neck, which ends up cramping so badly I feel like I need physical therapy by the time the plane lands. Skyrest

Here’s the verdict on Skyrest: yes it looks goofy and bulky, but it works! To say that I was totally comfortable for the duration of my flight to Hong Kong from NYC would be a stretch (I was still cramped in a tiny economy seat for 15 hrs after all), but the neck cramps and loss of circulation in my legs were no longer an issue. I’m still not a big fan of trying to sleep while in a seated position but if one is forced to do it, Skyrest is the best prop to make it more comfortable. I also found that this product was light weight and easy to use. The only minor downside was that it’s really bulky when inflated making it extremely uncomfortable to keep on your seat when it’s not in use (during meal times etc.); you may be forced to deflate it and re-inflate it several time during a long flight. Extra user tip: I found that Skyrest also worked well propped up against a window instead of the tray (as an alternative to the shoulder of your boyfriend or an unlucky neighbor in the seat next to you if you’re traveling alone…but more comfy).

Now on to my other travel must-haves:

1)  Travel size lotion. I find that skin tends to get dry easily on long flights so I always keep some lotion handy…the same goes for lips: pack a Chapstick or a Vaseline lip balm (my personal fave)

2)  Antibacterial gel (pretty self-explanatory, planes=germs=gross)

3)  Sleeping mask (for when your annoying neighbor decides to use his reading light for 20 hours straight)

4)  Red Bull Sugarfree Shots (my latest nifty discovery for the inevitable jet lag that hits me like a ton of bricks every time…at 2 oz per shot these cute little shots are super light to carry and extra potent)-can be found at your neighborhood Duane Reade

5)  Eagle Creek pack it folders (ok so maybe these don’t keep your blouses and dresses completely wrinkle free, but they do help A LOT…not to mention they save room in your suitcase so you can stuff it with more accessories)-find it at The Container Store or on

6)  For transporting toiletries, I recommend the Hanging Multi-Pocket Cosmetics Bag from the Container Store (you can stuff it with all your daily regiment basics, and by basics I mean everything in your medicine cabinet; an added bonus: the damage will be contained if there’s any in-flight spillage…it’s never pleasant to open your suitcase upon arrival only to discover that your whole wardrobe is covered in lotion or shampoo)

7)  Other basics: tissues, stain remover pen, some audio books on your ipod (way more convenient than logging around 20 pounds of extra book weight), extra ziplock bags, magazines, ear plugs

Travel Essentials

Do you have tips of your own? Please share and help us all maintain a semblance of humanity after long flights in the not so luxurious economy class.

The September Issue: Anna’s choice of colored stone necklaces

September 9, 2009

Emirald 5 Strand Necklace

True to form The September Issue-much talked about documentary about the making of the September 2007 issue of Vogue magazine-has made a grand entrance on the silver screen.  It doesn’t get much more grand in fashion than Vogue and its much loved (and hated) editor in chief Anna Wintour. As all things Vogue, this film largely focuses on Anna Wintour’s persona. After all, there’s no question that Vogue is nothing if not an expression of Anna’s point of view.

So imagine my excitement when in shot after shot of Anna, in all her designer duds, jetsetting around fashion capitals of the world, she opted to use simple colored semiprecious stone necklaces as her accessory of choice. She had them in a variety of colors and it seemed that there was no outfit that one of these necklaces could not effortlessly compliment. Furthermore, she (gasp) rotated the same three pieces between her different outfits throughout the movie!

It might help to clarify at this point that ever since I conceived of the idea of launching a semiprecious stone jewelry line, I knew that chic yet understated colored necklaces for daily wear were going to be the cornerstone of our Day to Night collection. Simply put, every time Anna appeared on the screen in one of these necklaces I felt validated. Entrepreneurship can be rough, so having a fashion icon (albeit unbeknownst to her : ) share my vision was nice for a change.

Citrine NecklaceAs it stands, many women’s idea of a work appropriate necklace is limited to a small chain (often with an even smaller pendant) or a simple strand of pearls. These options are safe, expected, and let’s face it, dull. For the most part, they do little to up the style quotient of your look. Now, I’m all for every woman owning a nice strand of pearls (preferably of a natural variety and not a plastic knockoff). However, it pays to mix things up from time to time! Investing in some colored stone necklaces that you’ll find yourself wearing to work, cocktail parties, nights out with you girlfriends or your husband is the easiest way to make your look seem instantly more put together and sophisticated. The best part is that while Anna’s necklaces reportedly cost thousands of dollars, the Tribal Couture variety is much more reasonably priced!

Why Bold Jewelry is the Way to Go Part 1: Statement Rings

September 4, 2009

Since this is my first official Tribal Couture blog entry as a first order of business I’d like to welcome everyone to jewelry our site ( and my blog.

I’m going to steal a line from Rachael Zoe when I say “excessories* are everything.” This seemed to be a fitting topic for my first blog for 2 reasons: 1) Most of Tribal Couture collection is defined by this Rachel term 2) Many people are extremely intimidated by bold, dramatic jewelry.

In the interest of brevity, I’d like to focus this entry on discussing the statement rings subset of the bold jewelry world. Here’s my response to the most common concerns I get from buyers:

Concern #1: “Where will I wear this?”

Colorgasm RingMy Response: Everywhere! Cocktail rings are no longer a red carpet only piece. In fact what makes them a jewelry must have is that they easily transition from a jeans and cami accessory to an evening gown accessory. They add glamor and style to the most basic of outfits. On top of that they’re effortless to match with virtually any ensemble and take a second to throw on as you’re running out the door. Check out my favorites that are both glam and versatile posted throughout this blog entry (available for purchase at

Concern #2: “I’m too short to wear big jewelry” or “My hands are too small for a large ring”

My Response: If you have a small frame it’s all the more reason to wear bolder pieces! Now, I’m not suggesting that you get blinged out in large jewelry head to toe if you’re five foot nothing (in fact very few people can get away with wearing several large pieces at once regardless of height). However, I am saying that bold jewelry adds some strength and attitude to your look that can be especially beneficial for women with smaller frames that don’t naturally command attention.  As far as hand size is concerned the truth of the matter is that as long as your fingers are proportionate to your hand (size and length wise), statement rings will look fabulous on you! The only time I would advise against investing in a large ring is if your fingers are particularly short and stubby in relation to the rest of your hand. If that’s the case avoid drawing attention to your hands and opt for a statement necklace instead.

Inky Grid RingConcern #3: “I can’t pull off this look.”

My Response: This one trips me up every time! It’s like women get stuck on this image of themselves that they conjure up in their minds and unfortunately lots of the time it’s not a pretty picture. We tend to wait to get thinner, richer, prettier before we deem ourselves worthy of commanding attention. Well ladies, take a page from the guys’ playbook and get over it! Enjoy and learn to appreciate who you are now and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone every now and again.

Bold style projects strength and confidence which is always sexy. So for all the delicate flowers out there who stumble on this blog, I suggest you get past your fears of big pieces and give a statement ring a try. For women with larger frames it goes without saying that larger pieces are ALWAYS the way to go. Wearing an itty bitty chain or ring will drown out the jewelry and make your body seem gigantic in relation to the pieces you’re wearing. NOT flattering!

*excessories = larger than life pieces of jewelry. i.e. chandelier earrings, cocktail rings and statement necklaces.