Why Bold Jewelry is the Way to Go Part 1: Statement Rings

Since this is my first official Tribal Couture blog entry as a first order of business I’d like to welcome everyone to jewelry our site (www.tribalcouture.net) and my blog.

I’m going to steal a line from Rachael Zoe when I say “excessories* are everything.” This seemed to be a fitting topic for my first blog for 2 reasons: 1) Most of Tribal Couture collection is defined by this Rachel term 2) Many people are extremely intimidated by bold, dramatic jewelry.

In the interest of brevity, I’d like to focus this entry on discussing the statement rings subset of the bold jewelry world. Here’s my response to the most common concerns I get from buyers:

Concern #1: “Where will I wear this?”

Colorgasm RingMy Response: Everywhere! Cocktail rings are no longer a red carpet only piece. In fact what makes them a jewelry must have is that they easily transition from a jeans and cami accessory to an evening gown accessory. They add glamor and style to the most basic of outfits. On top of that they’re effortless to match with virtually any ensemble and take a second to throw on as you’re running out the door. Check out my favorites that are both glam and versatile posted throughout this blog entry (available for purchase at http://www.tribalcouture.net).

Concern #2: “I’m too short to wear big jewelry” or “My hands are too small for a large ring”

My Response: If you have a small frame it’s all the more reason to wear bolder pieces! Now, I’m not suggesting that you get blinged out in large jewelry head to toe if you’re five foot nothing (in fact very few people can get away with wearing several large pieces at once regardless of height). However, I am saying that bold jewelry adds some strength and attitude to your look that can be especially beneficial for women with smaller frames that don’t naturally command attention.  As far as hand size is concerned the truth of the matter is that as long as your fingers are proportionate to your hand (size and length wise), statement rings will look fabulous on you! The only time I would advise against investing in a large ring is if your fingers are particularly short and stubby in relation to the rest of your hand. If that’s the case avoid drawing attention to your hands and opt for a statement necklace instead.

Inky Grid RingConcern #3: “I can’t pull off this look.”

My Response: This one trips me up every time! It’s like women get stuck on this image of themselves that they conjure up in their minds and unfortunately lots of the time it’s not a pretty picture. We tend to wait to get thinner, richer, prettier before we deem ourselves worthy of commanding attention. Well ladies, take a page from the guys’ playbook and get over it! Enjoy and learn to appreciate who you are now and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone every now and again.

Bold style projects strength and confidence which is always sexy. So for all the delicate flowers out there who stumble on this blog, I suggest you get past your fears of big pieces and give a statement ring a try. For women with larger frames it goes without saying that larger pieces are ALWAYS the way to go. Wearing an itty bitty chain or ring will drown out the jewelry and make your body seem gigantic in relation to the pieces you’re wearing. NOT flattering!

*excessories = larger than life pieces of jewelry. i.e. chandelier earrings, cocktail rings and statement necklaces.

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2 Responses to “Why Bold Jewelry is the Way to Go Part 1: Statement Rings”

  1. Anna Says:

    LOL, this describes my concerns precisely! Nicely done, Veronica!

  2. Veronica Zhou Says:

    Thanks! You have no idea how much I get to hear the same concerns over and over again. It’s been my experience though that once people buy and wear statement rings, they love them. So it’s all a matter of taking that plunge ; )

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